Looking Ahead to PRSA International
The Call for Presentations is out for PRSA Health Academy’s return to Washington DC, May 7-9, 2014. We’d love to see what programming ideas you have for us. Sharing your expertise is just one of the many benefits of being a Health Academy member. We also look forward to seeing you at the PRSA International Conference in Philadelphia October 27-29th. The Philadelphia/New Jersey region is arguably the hub of the healthcare world. As such, PRSA International will have a strong line-up of healthcare public relations programming. Here are links to some of the sessions I would like to call your attention to:
Mobile Health/Text Messaging:
Advil’s Relief in Action Case Study:
Hispanic Health Communications:
Heart Truth:
PRSA membership is more valuable than ever before. This year alone we’ve offered more than 50 free live and on-demand webinars. With PRSA Health Academy, you can position yourself as a leader in your field as well as keep up with trends in the industry. More importantly it’s a special fellowship; you’ll make friendshlps that will last a lifetime.
Health Academy allows us to share, network and learn from peers in healthcare public relations as well as accessing information and best practices to keep your skills sharp in a competitive market. The Health Academy is PRSA’s second largest Professional Interest section with close to 800 members who represent a variety of health organizations, including hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, insurers, PR agencies, foundations, medical and dental associations and vendors like my company. Health Academy provides tips and tactics needed to take your career to the next critical level not just only with the annual conference, but also our teleseminars, social media tools and Web resources.
I hope to see everyone at PRSA International in Philadelphia!
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