Medical Editor for Ben Garrett Group Honored as “Nurse of the Year”

Laurie Fugitt, RN, BSN has been medical editor for Ben Garrett Group LLC for the past two years, helping provide support on the nursing education as well as patient education multimedia campaigns produced and distributed by BGG LLC. She is also a clinical nurse at WellStar with more than 15 years of experience, specializing in mother-baby care. She was recently honored as Nurse of the Year by the March of Dimes and was active in working with the Georgia Legislature and the Governor’s Office in the passage of HB965, also called the 911 Medical Amnesty Bill and as a result has gained national prominence as a speaker and advocate for harm reduction.

She was recently featured in Atlanta Magazine (April 2015).  Below is the write-up that was included.

Laurie Fugitt is a clinical nurse at WellStar with fifteen years of nursing experience. She led a grassroots campaign for two years to create and facilitate the passage of HB965, also called the 911 Medical Amnesty Bill. This bill, signed by Governor Nathan Deal in April of last year, allows anyone at the scene of an alcohol or drug overdose to call 911 for medical assistance without fear of prosecution. Twenty-two lives have been saved since the enforcement of this law. She travels to educate the public and train volunteers to distribute rescue kits to those in need. She has been recognized in international, national, and local media and is an excellent example of how a clinical nurse can influence health policy.

Laurie Fugitt was also recently a panelist at an overdose forum hosted by students of University of North Georgia and their parents.  An article about the event was published on  You can read it here.